Unmute Mute jorge uzon ~ photographer and videojournalist All Video Photography Latest Videos Prints For Sale Audio/Experimental Immigrants Struggle as cracks deepen in Canada’s pro-immigration consensus Chile, Memory of a Revolt – A Recount in 5 Parts Interview with former Residential School student Unwelcome In Canada? “Haunting hum” of bitcoin mines drowning out Niagara Falls A Hackathon To Save EPA Data From Trump Las minerías de bitcoin ensordecen las cataratas del Niágara The Executioner/The Priest GUATEMALA 1996-2001 Tribute to Sidney Lumet’s Fail Safe ƎTƎЯИA⅃ Scooter Trip Visual essay inspired by a text of Roland Barthes https://www.jorgeuzon.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Untitled.mp4 Audio: Ceremonial Song for the Dead Children of Marieval, Saskatchewan Audio: Ceremonial Song for the Dead Children of Marieval, Saskatchewan Sikhs protest outside Indian consulate in Toronto Buffalo: US mourns victims of racially motivated mass shooting Icy bath at -20 in Lake Ontario Statue of Residential Schools architect toppled by protesters in Toronto Canada’s Most Polluted City: Welcome To Chemical Valley Syrian Refugees Learn English Through Art BOLIVIA 2006-2008 SINGLES PATAGONIA 2008-2011 RED CARPET! A Toronto, arrestation d’un restaurateur qui refusait de fermer malgré le confinement PRINTS FOR SALE رجل أعمال كندي يستضيف 58 أسرة سورية Zärtlichkeiten dank “Umarmungsfolie” in Corona-Zeiten Meet Canada’s ‘Prince Of Pot’ Canada’s Native Beats – You’ve Never Heard Hip Hop Like This Canada Marches For Missing And Murdered Indigenous Women Why A Tent City Is Taking Over A Park In Vancouver Bee Beard Competitor Explains What He’s Thinking First Canadian Winter For Refugee Kids Toronto’s All-Syrian Soccer Team فتيات محجبات يتعلمن “التايكوندو” بسبب عنصرية ترامب أول مذيعة محجبة في الإعلام الكندي Canadian Students Recognize Indigenous Land
https://www.jorgeuzon.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Untitled.mp4 Audio: Ceremonial Song for the Dead Children of Marieval, Saskatchewan Audio: Ceremonial Song for the Dead Children of Marieval, Saskatchewan